Swedish Massage - Kneading and lengthening the muscles to increase circulation and relieve tension and pain.
Deep Tissue Massage - Added pressure to diminish knots and deep adhesions that cause pain and restrictions in the body.
Cranial Sacral Therapy - A very light touch used to promote healing by correcting the strain patterns within the body.
Pregnancy Massage - Pregnant women can have their aches and pains smoothed out bringing both comfort and health to their body and also to their baby. (After first trimester)
Healing Touch - A light touch which encourages the body's own energy to move more evenly. This envelops the physical, mental and emotional components of the energy in the body.
Aromatherapy - By using natural essential oils the body can benefit from their properties. Whether it's relaxation or blood stimulation in a sore area, these oils can be used in many different ways to enhance your massage experience.
Throughout your massage your body's muscles and energy will be addressed to meet your personal needs. Diane's knowledge will combine the appropriate techniques to give you relief and clear your mind.
Stress has a cumulative effect on our bodies. Studies have shown that by receiving massage on a regular basis we can reduce our stress and live healthier lives. So, allow yourself the time to take care of yourself, bring your life back into balance and have a balanced body.
Hours: By Appointment Only. Please call 203-877-3091
30 Minutes $50
60 Minutes $95
75 Minutes $115
90 Minutes $135